The age of GAFA

By admin
2 Min Read

This is not our space. You, who created a profile in it and therefore believes that it at least partly belongs to you. Nothing farther from the truth. They can tell you, that Facebook and Twitter are our home and we should care for it and feel well in it, but we aren’t its owners. We aren’t even guests, merely users.

But the fact that we are mere users does not mean we have laws and rights to them. After publishing posts or videos, we stop, according to the terms and conditions, being their owner. There’s nothing we can do.

GAFA today is much more powerful than traditional states

GAFA today is much more powerful than traditional states (have you seen the tables putting those companies on the axis of GDP growth of countries?). Today, the struggle for the rights and public space, the influence over human minds happens on this axis: between the unmovable institutions of nation states and the lively, agile and determined to do anything “titans of the innovation industry.” 

The lobbying power and influence of GAFA is much stronger than the pharmaceutical, tobacco and armament industries combined.

The state is meant to make sure that my data on my spending, my illnesses and my personal data cannot be connected

The first duty of a state is to protect its citizens and not allow corporations to conduct good business. The state is meant to make sure that my data on my spending, my illnesses and my personal data cannot be connected. The state is meant to make sure that a primary school student will be informed about the dangers of the internet.

The state should also introduce such legal, anti-trust and pro-competition mechanisms so that neither the citizen or the state should become the hostages of their own unconsciousness, incompetence and stupidity. 

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