Slovak company blacklisted by the United States

Slovak-owned Lacno s.r.o. has been sanctioned by the United States in connection with helping the Russian company Divetechnoservices to bypass the consequences of a previous sanction.

editor: REMIX NEWS

Slovak-owned Lacno s.r.o. has been sanctioned by the United States in connection with helping the Russian company Divetechnoservices to bypass the consequences of a previous sanction.

According to the American authorities, the Russian company, which is focused on producing diving systems and involved in cyber-related activities, is also connected to the Russian secret service. Divetechnoservices was blacklisted from December 2016.

Lacno s.r.o. is based in Bratislava, however the U.S. Treasury believes that the company provided material, financial and technological aid for the Russian company. Lacno was also considered as a potential buyer of goods for Divetechnoservices.

What’s more, the company does not have a website or official contact numbers in Slovakia. It is connected to a certain Natalia Jakovlyeva, who is unknown to Slovak authorities.

In connection with the American ban two other Russian citizens and a company were sanctioned. Marina Igorevna Careva, Anton Nagibin and the Russian Vela-Marine also provided cover for Divetechnoservices’s operations.


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