Poll: Large majority of Hungarians reject Soros’ proposal urging EU to sanction Hungary

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Hungarian think tank Századvég’s new opinion poll whose results show that the vast majority of Hungarians reject George Soros’ proposal that Europe must stand up to Hungary and Poland and financially punish the two nations, which were suggestions featured in an article in the billionaire financier’s Open Society Foundation,
Based on the polling research, a majority of the respondents (52 percent) were aware that Soros had suggested in his article that Brussels take action against Hungary and Poland, while 47 percent had no knowledge of it.
According to the US billionaire’s interpretation, the rule of law mechanism in question is already in place, so the veto may result in the European Union’s budget expiring at the end of the year, but violators of the “rule-of-law” criteria will not be eligible for funding . The Hungarian and Polish governments fear that rule of law will be used by Brussels to abolish their national policies on immigration, abortion, traditional values, gender ideology, and a range of other conservative positions rejected by the liberals who dominate the European Union.
However, the survey highlights that nearly two-thirds of respondents (63 percent) believe that Hungary is a free, independent country that Brussels cannot punish, while only 27 percent say Hungary should be sanctioned for violating EU rules and principles.
The survey shows that 73 percent of respondents disagree with the Soros’ suggestion that all EU member states should be open societies and that each country’s legislation on migration and citizenship should be determined by the Brussels bureaucracy. In contrast, only 20 percent of them support Soros’ suggestion.
The survey shows that 84 percent of respondents find it unacceptable for Brussels to demand the opening of borders and the admission of Middle Eastern and African migrants in exchange for economic aid, in line with the idea of ​​an open society, while only 7 percent would not object to such a move.
szazadveg.hu Hungarians’ opinions about George Soros as a person. (red: negative) The research also looked at public opinion about Soros as a person. Three out of five voters expressed an unfavorable opinion about the American businessman (60 percent) and only a fifth were sympathetic (20 percent).
Századvég concluded in a summary of the survey that in light of these results, it can be stated that Soros and his proposals aimed at punishing Hungary and realizing the vision of an open society are both rejected by Hungarians on a significant scale.

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