China’s new world order threat

By admin
2 Min Read

The rise of China seems distant from Polish politics. The geopolitical problems surrounding Poland’s security have had little do with the country in the past and have been historically determined by Poland’s geographical position between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathian Mountains.

This 500-kilometer-long corridor is the best place for troops to march towards Berlin from Moscow and the other way around.

Yet, we are witnessing a rising rivalry that we have little experience with and that will have a definitive impact on Polish security.

Retired US Air Force official Robert Spalding and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute recently wrote a book entitled “Stealth War”. It concerns the issue of how “China took over control when American elites were sleeping.”

In the last 30 years, the Communist Party of China conducted a political experiment that resulted in China reaching a position where it is poised to challenge the U.S. and topple the current world order.

Ever since the Chinese communists decided to crush protesting students on June 4, 1989, in Tiananmen Square, Chinese leaders have adopted their own model of post-communism.

They not only refused to give up power and forfeit the ideology of terror but instead strengthened their political monopoly. They helped manage this stranglehold on power by adopting one simple rule: cheaply produce as much as possible for anyone who is willing to pay.

Communist China successfully exploited the market economy and this surprising turn of events has given rise to a new power ready to take on the West.