Zybertowicz’s rules of liberal democracy a la Third Republic

By admin
2 Min Read

On the 30th anniversary of The Round Table Talks, presidential advisor professor Andrzej Zybertowicz lists the flaws of the Third Polish Republic (III RP) and its relation to the Round Table Talks.

– In the III RP, it is allowed and even encouraged to undermine Polish national myths, excluding those which concern the creators and “heroes” of establishing the III RP. 

– “The “Round Table” is the largest Polish political success after the Battle of Warsaw of 1920 and it happened without spilling a single drop of blood.” Many seem to forget the deaths of Waldemar Kuczyński, advisor to the first PM of III RP and two priests Stefan Niedzielak, Stanisław Suchowolec and Sylwester Zych in 1989.

– Owing to the elections in 1989, the communists lost power; those who did not lose influence or power (such as Jaruzelski and Kiszczak), automatically stopped being communists.

– The public debate in the III RP is not meant to help build social agreement and ignite social energy around common goals but is meant to keep everyone in line.

– Political groups are divided into progressive, reactive (fascist) and periodically tolerated. To know the current classification, one should pick up the newest issue of “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

– The group supported by former post-communist PMs (like Leszek Miller) and proposing the necessity to abolish the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) is regarded as anti-communist and progressive. 

– Who does not belong to the category of great Poles such as Nobel prize winner Lech Wałęsa, Jerzy Owsiak or Paweł Adamowicz, is not worthy of expressing opinions about them. Unless they want to admire such persons. 

– The youth cannot be told that politics has a backstage aspect to it, as the incorrectly made aware youth will not support the right political parties. 

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