Big changes are coming to PiS, including merger with Sovereign Poland, as party’s congress is just weeks away

One aim is to rejuvenate the party with younger politicians on the board

By Liz Heflin
2 Min Read

Polish media is abuzz with news that big changes are coming to Law and Justice (PiS) this September, with the party’s congress set to take place this September 28.

Changes in leadership are expected as well as a merger with the nationalist, Catholic party Sovereign Poland, with negotiations on the latter being led by Patryk Jaki.

“I invite you to the second session of the 6th Law and Justice Congress, which will be held on Sept. 28 this year (Saturday), at 12:00 at the L. Skowyra School Complex No. 2 in Przysucha,” was the message PiS politicians received on Thursday morning.

Another change will be the establishment of a “Supreme Council,” which will include long-standing, distinguished party activists. The aim is to rejuvenate the party with younger politicians on the board.

“The liquidation of the political committee is being considered very seriously. Instead, a board would be introduced, in which young people would have a say, and a central council, in which older politicians would sit. We are talking about a possible division of competencies between these bodies,” said a Wirtualna Polska informant in mid-August.

Another newspaper, Interia, wrote at the time that some PiS politicians are skeptical about these changes bringing any real results.

“They laugh that these changes are mainly about changing a lot in theory, but not changing much in practice. The most important decisions will still be made by chairman Jarosław Kaczyński and a close group of PiS politicians, i.e. the presidium of the political committee,” the portal wrote.

According to unofficial information from the portal, two more people are to join this group soon. Zbigniew Ziobro, the head of Sovereign Poland who is currently battling cancer, will be replaced at the congress by former MEP Beata Kempa.

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