German CDU politician referred to police for ‘hate crime’ after criticism of knife-wielding Afghan murderer during Euro cup

CDU politician Detlef Gürth is facing possible criminal charges for writing in response to a deadly knife rampage by an Afghan migrant that "this pack has to get out of Germany"

By Thomas Brooke
5 Min Read

A German center-right politician is being investigated for a possible hate crime after calling for the expulsion of foreign criminals from the country following a brutal knife attack by an Afghan migrant earlier this month.

Detlef Gürth, a state lawmaker for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Saxony-Anhalt, commented on the heinous attack in Wolmirstedt which saw a knife-wielding Afghan migrant murder one person and injure multiple others in a rampage through the town on the opening day of the European Football Championships.

The attacker was later fatally shot by police.

“This pack has to get out of Germany,” the politician wrote on X in a later-deleted post.

The remark, however, caught the attention of the left-wing state politician Henriette Quade, who filed a criminal complaint, accusing Gürth of a hate crime.

The complaint is now being investigated by the Halle public prosecutor’s office.

“The description of Afghans as a ‘pack’ who are denied the right to live in Germany is an insult to parts of the population,” Quade claimed. “Those designated in this way are denied their basic right to life as equal individuals in the community and their human dignity is thus attacked. Furthermore, the post cannot be interpreted with any understanding other than that all Afghans living in the country are (potential) murderers. The post also incites hatred against parts of the population,” she added.

As Remix News has previously reported, Afghans are potentially the worst integrated of all migrants in Germany. As of 2021, there were over 250,000 people of Afghan origin residing legally in Germany.

According to some criminal statistics, Afghans are five times more likely to commit a criminal act than native Germans. However, in some categories, such as sexual assaults, they are 12.5 times more likely to commit an offense than the rest of society. However, this is only a fraction of the problem that Germany has been forced to endure with regard to migrant crimes, many of which are committed by repeat offenders.

Around one-third of migrants who were suspected of committing a crime had previous convictions. As many as 700 of them had 21 or more previous convictions. Between 2016, a year after the migrant invasion began, and 2020, authorities counted as many as 2000 homicides in which at least one migrant was identified. This statistic does not include German citizens with migration backgrounds or dual citizens. The largest proportion of offenders in 2020 reportedly came from Syria (27,561 people), Afghanistan (14,750), and Iraq (9,835). Immigrants from these countries make up the largest proportion of asylum seekers in Germany, at 57.6 percent.

Recently, a young Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician, Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, was convicted for sharing similar statistics in protest to Afghans moving to her district, with the data showing that foreigners were responsible for half of all gang rapes in Germany.

The 27-year-old politician was found guilty in the Verden regional court in Lower Saxony on Monday for “inciting hatred” against local Afghan workers.

She is ordered to pay a fine of €6,000 and being charged €60 a day for 100 days. She will also have a criminal record.

The case relates back to a post from August 2021, in which she made a post on social media, writing: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ admission; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

Gürth, himself, has refused to comment on the matter. However, his CDU parliamentary group offered a brief statement.

“As a freely elected member of the state parliament, Mr. Gürth operates his social media accounts independently and responsibly,” a spokesperson wrote.

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