Germany: Left-wing politician says ‘demographics will create facts’ in the battle against the AfD

Left-wing German politician writes post against the AfD, arguing that “demographics will create facts” that will favor migrants in the future

By Remix News Staff
8 Min Read

A politician for the Social Democrats (SPD), Sawsan Chebli, is causing a stir over her Instagram post where she claimed changing demographics in Germany also has political implications in favor of migrants against the right, which is broadly reminiscent of the central claims of the Great Replacement theory.

In her post, which was targeted towards migrants who are considering emigrating over what she claims are Germany’s xenophobic tendencies, she noted that the demographic situation will help shift power to these migrants.

“It is incomprehensible that we have come this far,” wrote the 46-year-old former Berlin State Secretary, who has Palestinian roots. “Please don’t give up! It is your country too. Demographics will create facts. Get involved, raise your voice — even if they don’t want you to.”

She points to the controversial flyer campaign of the AfD in Karlsruhe, which printed fake “deportation tickets” and sent them to residents in the mail. The media is claiming the tickets were only sent to migrants. However, she also talks about proposals by the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Christian Socialists (CSU) about the possibility of withdrawing German citizenship from newly naturalized migrants if they commit two criminal offenses.

She further wrote that “what we are experiencing in Germany is frightening many people. The AfD is getting stronger and stronger, right-wing and right-wing extremist voices are getting louder and louder. Hardly anyone is really standing up to it. Many of us feel unsafe. The debate about citizenship is reminiscent of the darkest of times: who belongs? Who doesn’t? A distinction is made between German blood and non-German blood.”

A number of voices are coming out against her statements. On X, the deputy federal chairman of the Federal Police Union (DPolG ), Manuel Ostermann, asked Chebli what she meant by her remarks.

“What exactly do you want to express here? Would you like to tell Jews that the time for Jewish life in Germany is coming to an end? Would you like to inform the religious group of extremists, radical ideologists, and terrorists in your ranks that Germany will soon be infiltrated? Are you trying to tell us that you don’t think much of our Constitution? Are you threatening the people living in Germany? How do you feel about a country that has given you so much? Obviously, you need to take a closer look. So, Ms. Chebli, what exactly do you want to express here? Or is this post a fake, then clarify it,” he wrote.

“@SawsanChebli criticizes the AfD’s racial ideology, only to then argue in racial ideology herself. Shocking,” wrote Julian Röpcke, a reporter for Bild.

Her claim about demographics is one of the central facts put forward with the Great Replacement. First put forward by Renaud Camus, on its most basic point, he argues that European peoples are being replaced across the West by non-European peoples. However, he further argues that it does not just apply to Europeans, but nearly all aspects of modern life.

Speaking to im1776, Camus said: “The Great Replacement is not a theory at all, but just a sad fact, a ‘chrononym’, i.e. name for an epoch after its most important phenomenon, indeed replacism (or more exactly globalreplacism), mainly developed in my most recent book La DépossessionDispossession. It rests on the observation that replacement, the substitution of something else to everything and the replacement of everything by something else, is the central gesture of modern societies, at least since Taylorism and Fordism, and probably since the First Industrial Revolution. Think of how writers are replaced by intellectuals, intellectuals by journalists, journalists by TV-show hosts, marble by chipstone, stone by concrete or plaster, wood by plaster, or plastic, the signature material of global replacism which spoils even the depths of the oceans; Venice by Venice in Las Vegas, Las Vegas by a fake one in the deserts of Spain, Paris by a cheaper mock version next to Peking (which is much safer to visit these days) and so on.”

On the right, it is argued that this phenomenon will have drastic political consequences for native populations within Europe, both politically and socially. However, even on the left, there are frequent discussions about changing demographics and the quickly falling White European population, often in a positive way, and the strengthening of pro-migration parties through mass immigration.

Notably, Germany’s recent arrivals, many of who are being rapidly naturalized, are expected to vote for left-wing parties in overwhelming numbers. They have a strong incentive to do so, also in the hopes that many of their fellow countrymen will also gain access to German territory through looser immigration proposals.

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