Kaczyński says Poland’s march backward must be reversed, as new PiS candidate declares the start of the ‘battle for Poland’

PiS has picked the relatively unknown Dr. Karol Nawrocki as its candidate for president to get Poland back on track

By Liz Heflin
8 Min Read

The PiS party convention in Kraków revealed the choice by Law and Justice to select a non-partisan candidate to run for the role of president of the Republic of Poland next spring. The 41-year-old Karol Nawrocki runs the Institute of National Remembrance and was previously the director of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk until 2021. 

PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński explained the motives behind the selection of Dr. Nawrocki, a non-party, independent candidate, stating that it was time for the political warring in Poland to come to an end. 

“The founding research that we conducted a few months ago showed that these ordinary Poles, from smaller centers, from Polish villages and cities, do not really want this war either. Therefore, we need a credible person, independent of political formation, who will have the will and the ability to end this war not in the name of the interest of one of the parties, not in the name of the party, but in the name of the interest of Poland and the sovereign Polish state, freedom!”  he said, adding that “this peace is necessary for Polish development.”

Stressing that Poland showed its ability to rapidly develop on all fronts under the previous PiS governments, Kaczyński said that “today this march has been stopped, today it is stagnation, or even regression. When it comes to the issue of freedom, the rule of law, and democracy, this march backward is obvious, radical, and fast. It is not in the interest of Poland.”

Upon taking the stage, Karol Nawrocki announced: “Yes, I confirm! This is a place of victories! I believe that today we are starting the history of another victory, I believe in it and I believe in Poland, I believe in you!”

“I live like many of you, modestly – but always with dignity, always with Poland in my heart. I came to you through intellectual work, hundreds, maybe thousands of books, the University of Gdańsk and trust me, I didn’t break for a selfie when I rode tram line 12 from Gdańsk Siedlce to the University of Gdańsk every day for five years. That was my normal life!” said Dr. Nawrocki.

Thanking various parties including the PiS citizens’ committee, chairman Kaczyński. his wife, sister, children, and mother to whom he gave a special greeting. 

“I also send my warmest regards to my mother, who is probably watching us on TV in the same apartment where I grew up as a young boy. I love you, Mom, thank you!”

“The value so close to Poles is of course freedom. Personal freedom – yes! But also freedom in responsibility for our community shaped for over a thousand years on the foundation of Christian values, which we cannot be ashamed of and take down crosses in the offices of the Polish capital!” said the new presidential candidate.

Reflecting on the previous election won by the liberal Donald Tusk as prime minister, Nawrocki commented that many Poles “thought that things could be even better. They were misled, they are worse! There has been incredible chaos in the sphere of the functioning of the law and the justice system. I guarantee politicians and government representatives that Poles are lost in the messages about who is and who may not be a Polish judge. Article 7 of the constitution, which talks about the rule of law, is consistently violated. Decisions and judgments of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal are being questioned. There is a disturbing attack on the institutions most important for the functioning of the state, and I am the president of one of them.”

Further addressing the urgent need for improvements in the lives of everyday Poles, he said: “Today, Poland needs stability, order, peace, care, especially in the area of ​​financial security of Polish families, in the face of galloping prices, rising inflation and the cost of living. Therefore, in order to save the well-being of all hard-working Poles, I will come up with further legislative initiatives, the first of which will be to free hard-working Poles from taxes for overtime worked.”

In a direct statement in support of Polish farmers, he stated: “Poland also needs agreement and care in the area of ​​food security, with respect for the sovereignty of the Polish countryside and a firm response to unfair competition mechanisms. The Polish countryside was, is, and must remain a stronghold of Polish culture, identity, and social values.”

The presidential candidate also outlined his vision of foreign policy and ensuring the country’s security in the context of the war in Ukraine.

“We need to act because we have lost too much time due to naivety or political stupidity. Naivety was our dependence on Russian raw materials. We know that today. Naivety was our belief that Nord Stream 2 was a business project. Naivety was Europe’s lack of reaction to the Russian armament process and our belief that Russia could be tamed. We know that today too.”

He focused particularly on Poland continuing to strengthen its own military and defense capabilities, stating that “the largest European land army within NATO structures (…) must have the potential to effectively repel an attack.”

Nawrocki additionally called on Poland to maintain “centuries-old, good relations with the USA,” calling out the current Tusk-led government for “regularly insulting the new president-elect (Trump).

And in a particularly pointed jab, he sent a warning message to Brussels about its attempts to weaken the sovereignty of both Poland and other CEE states. “The strategic alliance with the US protects us from attempts in the EU to weaken NATO’s deterrence capabilities and slow down the development of military infrastructure in Eastern Europe.” 

Karol Nawrocki also noted the importance of completing the state’s large investment projects initiated by the PiS government, such as the CPK, and making rational decisions when it comes to energy. 

“We will not reject everything that is not rational and hinders development – ​​like the Green Deal. Environmental protection? Yes! Climate madness at the expense of Polish homes, entrepreneurs, and employees? No!” he said.

“I have fought many battles in my life. Today I go with you into this most important battle, the fight for Poland! I say see you soon – in Polish communes, villages, cities, see you everywhere where we believe in Poland. Long live Poland, let the Polish anthem lead us! Thank you!” said Dr. Karol Nawrocki.

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