Partner of ex-Slovak president reports himself to the police after accidentally shooting his gun while cleaning it

Juraj Rizman, partner of former Slovak president, Zuzana Čaputová, a well-known critic of Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, said he was "ready to bear the consequences" after the mistake

By Thomas Brooke
2 Min Read

The partner of former Slovak president, Zuzana Čaputová, has admitted responsibility for a loud bang that shocked an affluent district of Bratislava on Wednesday — explaining it had been the result of him accidentally shooting his gun while cleaning it.

Juraj Rizman, who is the current communications director of the Slovak organization Post Bellum, revealed he was behind the shot that rang out on Skalická Street in the Slovak capital on Wednesday evening, taking to social media to explain what happened.

“Yesterday in the evening hours, I made a mistake in the process while cleaning a legally held firearm that led to an accidental firing,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Despite the fact that there were no injuries, I immediately reported the matter — exactly according to the law — to the relevant police unit. It documented the matter and is currently treating the act as a misdemeanor,” he added.

Rizman noted he was fully cooperating with the authorities and said he was “ready to bear the consequences” for the mistake.

He has been the partner of Čaputová — who served a full term as president of Slovakia from 2019 to 2014 — since 2020. It is not clear whether the former president was home at the time the shot was fired.

Slovak authorities confirmed that no one had been injured in the incident with Michal Szeiff, spokesman for the Bratislava Regional Police assuring the public that “the police are dealing with the matter.”

Čaputová was well known for her opposition to Hungarian Prime minister Viktor Orbán, accusing him of violations against democracy and rule of law in the past.

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