VIDEO: Polish PM Morawiecki enjoys a haircut after coronavirus measures eased

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Poles can once again head to restaurants and cafés or visit a hairdresser or beauty salon following the easing of coronavirus restrictions on Monday.

Poles must adhere to social distancing rules and other sanitary procedures, but in a sign that businesses are once again attracting customers, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki posted a video on Facebook in which he shows his excitement to get his hair cut at the hairdresser.

“The cutting of scissors and the buzz of razors are happy sounds which symbolize the return to a new normality. I don’t think a visit to the hairdresser has ever made me this happy,” he wrote.

After getting his new hairstyle, the prime minister also asked whether anyone noticed a change.

At the end, he called for people to support local businesses.

As of Tuesday morning, May 19, the total number of COVID-19 registered infections in Poland is 19,080, along with 941 deaths, and 7,903 recoveries from the virus.

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