
Latest Belarus News

If Belarus hosts Russian nuclear weapons, it will be hit with sanctions, warns EU’s top diplomat

The European Union is ready to impose new sanctions on Belarus if…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Poland begins construction of €350 million border wall with Belarus

Polish contractors have commenced work on the construction of a 186 kilometer…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Playing Belarusian roulette

In his essay "The Poverty of Small Eastern European States," Hungarian historian…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Nuclear threat? Belarusian leader requests nuclear-capable missiles from Russia

Belarus has asked its ally Russia to supply it with Iskander ballistic…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia ready to help Poland in border crisis

At a separate meeting of the Visegrád Four (V4) member states' foreign…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Finland warns borders may close over illegal migrant hybrid warfare threat

The Finnish government has announced that it could seal off its borders…

Robert Robert