Record number of young Syrian males granted German citizenship last year

By Thomas Brooke
3 Min Read

A record number of Syrian nationals were handed German citizenship last year, as the country processed the largest number of naturalizations in a year in more than two decades, according to new figures published on Tuesday.

The data released by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) showed a total of 48,320 Syrian nationals were naturalized across Germany last year, more than double the 19,095 naturalizations of Syrians recorded in 2021 — a figure that was already three times higher than any other year on record.

The figure is 24 times higher than the 2,263 Syrian nationals handed citizenship at the peak of the migrant crisis in 2016.

Syrians accounted for 29 percent of all naturalizations recorded in Germany last year, as the country granted citizenship to 168,545 foreign nationals.

“On average, they were 24.8 years old and two-thirds were male. Before they were naturalized, they had stayed in Germany for an average of 6.4 years,” Destatis commented.

“The high number of naturalizations by Syrians is related to the immigration of Syrians seeking protection in the years 2014 to 2016 and who are now increasingly meeting the requirements for naturalization,” the stats office added.

Turkish nationals were the second-highest group to be handed citizenship, with 14,235 individuals naturalized last year, followed by 6,810 and 5,565 nationals from Iraq and Ukraine, respectively. Naturalized Ukrainians were predominantly female (69 percent) and on average 36.1 years old.

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Most foreign nationals must have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years to be eligible for naturalization; however, an individual can apply early through special integration services. To do so, the applicant must show good language skills, professional achievements and civic commitment, according to Destatis.

“With 23,100 early naturalizations due to special integration achievements, the number in 2022 has almost doubled compared to the previous year (12,400) and reached a new high. Of these, 13,900 Syrians (60 percent) made up the most frequently represented nationality,” the stats office said.

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The figures come days after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz published draft legislation designed to make citizenship easier for foreign nationals living in the country, as Germany’s federal government attempts to increase immigration into the country to fill labor shortages.

“We want people who have become part of our society to be able to help shape our country democratically,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said recently in a statement.

The requirement of eight years’ residency will be reduced to just five or three years, and some language requirements for citizenship will be relaxed as well.

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