Top German politicians demand ‘maximum penalty’ for young people singing ‘foreigners out’ in viral video

Crime is exploding in Germany, fueled by the country's growing foreign population, but the media has an alternative narrative to sell

The three youths from the viral video featuring the crowd singing for foreigners to be removed from Germany was splashed across Bild newspaper, with the original photo not blurred.
By Dénes Albert
9 Min Read

Germany is beset with foreigners committing crimes on an unprecedented scale, with many of these criminals avoiding serious prison sentences or deportation, but the biggest current scandal is a group of young people who sang “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out,” over the tune of the party song “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino.

The news story, which features a video that lasted mere seconds, has run nearly non-stop in Germany, with some of the country’s highest-level politicians weighing in on a video in which nobody was physically attacked, raped or maimed. There are of course many such videos in Germany — in fact thousands of them every year — involving foreigners or people with a foreign background committing extreme violence. The German government does not comment on them because these videos do not fit the narrative.

In fact, even German Chancellor Olaf Scholz condemned the video, while Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) has called for the youth in the video to receive the harshest punishment possible, including “perhaps even the maximum penalty.”

A maximum sentence in such a case, which would be a violation of section 86a in the German criminal code, which refers to “unconstitutional symbols,” would result in three years in prison. In a case where they are found guilty of “incitement against the people,” the suspects in this case could spend five years in prison.

“The advantage is that this video exists and certain people can be identified,” said Bas. She stated that “such things, anti-constitutional slogans, are to be punished,” adding that Germany’s criminal law provides plenty of options for prosecuting the perpetrators.

“I hope they get a decent punishment,” the SPD politician added.

Bärbel Bas, President of the German parliament makes remarks at the end of her visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Wednesday, April 27, 2022, ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

The video shows young people at the “Pony” bar on the North Sea island of Sylt, with the clip only a few seconds long. Besides the party music, one young man waves his right arm around and makes a symbol that suggests a Hitler mustache. How much of it was an edgy joke and how much of it was genuine anti-foreign sentiment remains unclear, but German police are reportedly investigating the incident and the owner of the club has released the names of the guests present to authorities. Some of those identified have also reportedly been banned from the club and other establishments on the island for life.

Germany is not into hardcore doxxing culture like the United States and Great Britain, and it is a great exception that non-public figures are outed in such a nationwide manner. The film also took place in a private club — in other words, it was very much a non-public venue. However, even if a crime was allegedly committed, these youths have not yet been convicted, and German law normally provides strong privacy protections in such instances, especially for non-violent crimes.

It is important to note that these young people did not commit any violent robbery, did not rape anybody, nor did they swing machetes at each other in daylight. For the category of gang rape, Germany is experiencing record-high numbers and this is, quite simply put, driven by mass immigration — this is a statistical fact. And yet, this data point barely sparked even the tiniest fraction of the outrage this video has produced, including around-the-clock news coverage and public comments from top politicians, including the chancellor.

Nevertheless, the left — and even right-leaning media such as Bild — have run non-stop attacks against the handful of German youth caught on film being drunk in a video they probably never thought would be released. Some of the people in the video have already been identified by employers and fired. Their reputations will face perhaps permanent harm. The young woman pictured in the video is reportedly banned from her university for two months and will potentially be expelled.

Many in the German media and establishment are celebrating this doxxing.

Most importantly, German has some of the strictest privacy standards in the world, and in many cases, the country leads the fight in preserving privacy rights for people, including non-citizens, facing the most heinous criminal charges. For example, a man with a foreign background who stabbed schoolchildren in Berlin’s Neukölln in front of dozens of their classmates had the courtesy of keeping their privacy intact, but that is just one example of thousands in which suspects were never doxxed by the German media in such a manner. Even in cases where suspects have been convicted, their identity has been kept hidden from the public, with exceptions made only in extremely notable cases.

The fact that these young people were not afforded this same protection says much about what the establishment prioritizes, especially right before EU parliamentary elections.

Even in some cases where the press actively interviewed people willing to share “unconstitutional” opinions, newspapers such as Bild, have blurred their faces.

“We want Hitler back. We want to gas the Jews,” the men say. The men’s faces are blurred, but it is easy enough to see these are men, who appear to have a foreign background, are very comfortable sharing their views with a journalist. Even before the war in Gaza, many of Germany’s Middle Eastern community harbored anti-Semitic views, and with the civilian death toll soaring in Gaza, anti-Semitic incidents have soared higher.

Social media users are also compiling plenty of examples of Bild hiding a suspect’s identity for brutal murders and rapes.

Although just one example of thousands, when foreigners were battling on the streets of Leipzig with machetes just two weeks ago — apparently a frequent occurrence according to police sources — German politicians on the left said nothing. For a link to the video, which cannot be embedded into the Remix site due to possible restrictions placed on this content, go here.

Notably, the song “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino has topped the charts since this incident, and there have been incidents popping up across social media of other Germans singing what is now considered a “forbidden song.” Regardless of how the media plays out this one incident, the majority of Germans and Europeans want an end to mass immigration and a majority say that the country’s migrants bring more disadvantages than benefits. These young Germans may have been expressing a society-wide sentiment in a crude manner, and they are paying dearly for it, but this latest media campaign will not change the public’s growing rage over an explosion in violent crime; soaring housing prices; extreme culture clashes; sexual crimes in parks and on the streets; and crowded schools, hospitals, and roads.

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