Trump nearly killed, Fico shot multiple times, now the left is gleefully speculating about whether Hungary’s PM Orbán will be next

The group started making bets on when Orbán will be shot

By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

Following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, a liberal group in Hungary has launched a poll on when the Hungarian prime minister will be shot. Fidesz caucus leader Máté Kocsis drew attention to the poll on the social media page.

“Immediately and by all means, we must take action against all forms of incitement to violence and against life,” wrote the Fidesz leader. He added that “we know the cowardly and sneaky methods of the liberal media. Now, they will say on a regular basis: ‘Come on, we criticized the post of a joke site for nothing, because it’s just humor, it’s just wit, it should not be taken seriously.'”

The politician posted a screenshot from the group as well, along with the poll asking Facebook users if they thought Orbán would be assassinated next. The group is known for its anti-Orbán posts and opposition to the politician.

“But those days are gone. We should take it seriously because there is nothing humorous or witty about it, especially in the shadow of the assassination attempts against Fico and Trump,” said Máté Kocsis.

“This is cold-blooded, from blind liberal haters who think it’s enough to disguise their anger as a joke,” Kocsis wrote.

“Viktor Orbán is only secondarily a politician, first and foremost a father of five and grandfather of six,” he stressed, adding: “Enough of the liberals’ incitement, enough of their sneakiness, enough of their aggressive hatred!”

SOURCES:Magyar Nemzet
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