US ambassador to Hungary re-ignites diplomatic row after Budapest Pride remarks

(Népszava/Ádám Csomor)
By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

David Pressman, the U.S. ambassador to Hungary, has reignited the diplomatic row between Washington and Budapest under Joe Biden’s administration after attending the annual Budapest Pride march on Saturday.

In remarks offered to private television channel RTL Klub, Pressman praised a joint statement from 38 nations on the day of the march. The message offered support for the LGBTQ rights of those living in so-called offensive countries such as Hungary, where it claims new laws and political rhetoric creates a hostile environment for LGBTQ individuals.

“This is a particularly strong statement that sends a clear signal of concern,” Pressman said. “The declaration has been signed by all EU Member States except Poland and by all Hungary’s neighbors except Serbia. I think this shows very clearly that this is not a conflict between the West and the East. The reality in Hungary is something that governments around the world are concerned about and are paying attention to,” he added, claiming that Pride is important for the whole of Hungary and that he is proud to be a part of it.

“It is an extraordinary moment when Hungarians from different backgrounds and perspectives come together to celebrate and try to promote acceptance,” he said.

Without directly referencing either Pressman or the Pride march, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó posted a picture of a family of storks the following day, with the caption: “Mother, father, children. A family.”

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