‘In reality, nothing will change’ – Politicians across Europe outraged as EU migration pact becomes law

Morawiecki said the government has an "obligation to appeal"

Former Polish PM Mateusz Morawieczki
By Dénes Albert
3 Min Read

The Council of the European Union has finally approved the legislative chapter of the new regulation on the reform of the EU’s migration and asylum pact, making the new migration reform final. Three countries voted against: Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.

The pact aims to regulate migration issues in the EU in a comprehensive way, including assistance to countries under migratory pressure. A growing number of politicians and political parties across Europe are protesting against the new package of measures to facilitate mass migration.

“The EU’s migration pact finalized today, Tuesday, is nothing more than a helpless experiment that will do nothing to change the continuing mass immigration into the EU. The pact does not address the fundamental problems and leaves key aspects of asylum legislation untouched. Shortly before the EU elections, they are trying to deceive citizens into believing that a tougher asylum policy will be introduced, when in reality, nothing will change,” said Harald Vilimsky, the Austrian Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) top candidate in the EU parliamentary elections who also recently spoke at CPAC Hungary in April.

In a statement, the politician pointed out that in the future, everyone who reaches the EU’s external border will automatically be subject to an asylum procedure.

“The existing system facilitates asylum abuse and leads to uncontrolled mass immigration. Often even those without legal protection remain in the EU because the return system is a complete failure,” said Vilimsky.

Poland’s Law and Justice politicians stressed that the migration pact, which could see millions of migrants entering the EU every year, is a very harmful solution, and despite the left-liberal government voting against the pact, they were working behind the scenes to ensure it was passed. In addition, it is highly unlikely that Donald Tusk will challenge the case before the top EU court.

“The (center-right liberal party) Platform did not block the migration pact. We will be forced to take in illegal immigrants or pay millions in fines. The government has an obligation to appeal the migration pact to the Court of Justice of the European Union, referring to the conclusions of the 2018 European Summit, where I discussed the principle of Poland’s voluntary participation in the relocation mechanism,” former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote in a post on X.

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, who was leading the charge against the law, said after the act passed that “the migration pact is another nail in the coffin of the European Union. Unity is dead, secure borders are no more. Hungary will never give in to the mass migration frenzy!”

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