Romania considers giving $4 billion Patriot missile system to Ukraine

Romania has one functional Patriot missile system, and another is currently being deployed

By Dénes Albert
1 Min Read

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced at a press conference on Tuesday, June 11, after attending the B9 Summit in Riga, that next week he will convene a meeting of the Supreme Council of National Defence (CSAT).

Asked whether the issue of the transfer of a Patriot missile system to Ukraine is topical, the president replied, “The issue is topical, I will convene a meeting of the CSAT next week, on Thursday.”

Also in Riga, Iohannis spoke about the fact that Romanians want to be defended and Romanians are defended by NATO:

“For us, in Romania, it is extremely important that NATO’s deterrent posture is very strong and its defense capability is comprehensive,” the head of state said, adding that he also discussed the importance of the Black Sea at the B9 Summit.

“This war is being fought in the Black Sea area, nowhere else in the world,” Iohannis added. The Black Sea “is vital for the security of the Euro-Atlantic area.”

Romania signed a $4 billion contract for Patriot missile systems in 2017. It currently has one operational Patriot system, while a second one is nearing operational status.

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