Germany: AfD politician stabbed in Mannheim in far-left political attack just days after Islamist cop killer terrorized city

Germany descends into chaos as the left and Islamists target the right in brazen and violent attacks just days before EU parliamentary elections

AfD councilman Heinrich Koch was targeted in a knife attack when he confronted an activist tearing down AfD posters in Mannheim.
By Remix News Staff
4 Min Read

An Antifa thug has stabbed Alternative for Germany (AfD) local councilor candidate Heinrich Koch in Mannheim during the night of Tuesday. Video of the incident, which was filmed by Koch himself, shows him confronting a perpetrator tearing down AfD campaign posters, a common political act perpetrated by far-left Antia activists.

Koch suffered multiple stab wounds and cuts and was taken to hospital, while the perpetrator was arrested by police.

The police released a statement about the incident, announcing: “On Tuesday evening, at 10:30 p.m., a 25-year-old suspect was arrested on Schwabenheimer Strasse in Mannheim. He is said to have previously damaged and stolen several election posters on Relaisstrasse.”

It further reads that “an AfD politician who had become aware of the incident pursued the suspect, who then injured the AfD politician with a box-cutter blade.” The 25-year-old suspect was quickly arrested by police.

The police claim that “clear indications of a mental illness emerged during the arrest” and that the suspect is now in a “psychiatric hospital.” Although there are claims the man did not know who the AfD politician was, in the video, the suspect can be seen carrying an AfD poster, and there are AfD posters across the city with photos of Koch, who works as an industrial engineer and serves as a lieutenant-colonel in the reserve forces.

Koch suffered a stab wound to his face and stomach, according to reports.

Stabbing comes just days after Islamic terror attack

The attack against Koch on Relaisstrasse near the square where an Afghan carried out a knife attack last Friday on six activists belonging to the citizens’ association Pax Europa, including anti-Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger. In addition, the Afghan murdered police officer Rouven L. with multiple stab wounds to his neck. The incident has sparked questions about mass immigration in Germany, as the suspect lived in the country for nine years and promoted the Taliban and radical preachers on his Youtube channel.

According to the AfD district association in the area, Koch had observed the attacker tearing down AfD posters, and when he confronted him about it, the man then stabbed Koch.

The AfD describes that attack as being conducted by a left-wing extremist and caused by the anti-AfD political climate promoted in the country’s media and by its political class.

“The attack on #AfD member Heinrich #Koch in the video: With their agitation against the opposition, the Ampel coalition and the media are creating a climate in which even extreme physical attacks are no longer shied away from. We condemn this violence and call on people to finally return to basic democratic practices!” wrote AfD co-leader Alice Weidel on X.

The AfD is the most violently attacked party in Germany compared to any other party, according to interior ministry statistics. This fact was noted by party co-leader Tino Chrupalla, who decried the attack on Koch.

“In Mannheim, our local council candidate Heinrich Koch was injured with a knife while confronting poster vandals. Our members and representatives are the most frequent victims of political violence and destruction. That cannot stop us. Get well soon, Heinrich!” he posted on X.

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