Half a year of left-liberal governance in Poland: The eastern border is breaking and Germany rules the West

Returning to Poland after just six months abroad, one sees the unsettling transformation of a nation under left-liberal rule, writes columnist Michał Karnowski

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk, right, speaks with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on the sidelines of an EU Summit in Brussels, Friday, March 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
5 Min Read

What would one feel returning to Poland today after leaving in October 2023? It has taken only a few months to dismantle what took eight years to build.

Polish development projects such as the Central Communication Port (CPK), nuclear energy, and port expansions have been halted. The national budget has been ravaged, media pluralism and freedom have been destroyed, with public television TVP now resembling that of an occupying force, and much of the national culture — everything that strengthens the Polish cultural code — has been erased.

Efforts to build a strong military have been limited to initiatives that were too far along to abandon. Major Korean contracts, which are crucial for real security, now float in a vacuum created by the reinstatement of post-communist generals.

The Polish state is being deliberately dismantled, and the public safety that many considered guaranteed is visibly fading into history. The Tusk regime’s policy of opening the country to mass migration from culturally distant nations is drastically worsening the lives of millions of Poles.

Tusk and his administration are meticulously following the directives of their German masters, on whom they depend. As Law and Justice (PiS) leader Jarosław Kaczyński has correctly stated, this is an external party that has established an external government. We are experiencing a German assault on Poland, executed through what is ostensibly Polish governance.

This explains why German police are confident that no one will defend the western border, allowing them to deposit migrants into Poland. German police vehicles arrive and offload their human cargo. At least one such incident has been documented, but the magnitude of the migrant influx suggests this is only part of a larger scheme.

The Polish prime minister’s reaction? Merely a planned “discussion” with the German chancellor on the sidelines of a European summit, which seems like a mockery of the situation. The Polish state should respond formally, summon the ambassador, and promptly return the unwanted “gift.”

Incidentally, weren’t migrants once considered treasures by Germany, something to be drawn from all over the world? What went wrong? What has changed?

This is the reality of ruling over a subdued nation: suppressing its developmental prospects and offloading one’s own problems onto it. The only thing missing is the imposition of a predatory currency, which is already being openly announced.

Simultaneously, and perhaps justifiably, the Polish public is being intimidated. In public discourse, an unelected anti-PiS investigative judge rules supreme, blacklists circulate, and arrests are decided at the highest levels of government before any court sessions.

Autocracy is supported by the Brussels center.

“Great job,” Ursula von der Leyen praises Tusk, a pleased subordinate. Von der Leyen is also likely referring to the demoralization of the eastern border’s defenders. While the PiS government firmly backed them, the Tusk government has set up a special prosecution team to persecute them. Power is now in the hands of deranged activists who view the mere act of border defense as criminal, even as soldiers lose their lives defending Polish territory.

Following the detention of soldiers who dared to defend themselves against an attack by a large group, it’s clear that effective service will result in punishment. Morale has plummeted. The eastern border is breaking under pressure.

In summary: After six months of external rule, Poland’s eastern border is fracturing, while Germany takes command of the West. This is the stark reality.

Regrettably, this is just the beginning. We are entering a dark era. However, there is still time to resist, there are still tools available, and there is an opposition party. Yet, the ruling camp openly aims to fully dismantle democracy and may yet succeed.

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