Syrian migrant who brutally stabbed a 4-year-old girl will serve no prison time

The Syrian man, who had already been deported from Saudi Arabia, delivered "four powerful stabs" to the little girl, nearly killing her

The 35-year-old migrant has been convicted of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm after randomly stabbing a 4-year-old girl in a supermarket. However, he will serve no prison time.
By Remix News Staff
5 Min Read

After a Syrian migrant stabbed a 4-year-old girl in Bavaria’s Allgäu region in Germany, nearly murdering her, he will not serve a day in prison. Instead, he has been sentenced to life in a psychiatric hospital. The judge also expressed anger that the case is being used as an argument in favor of immigration restriction by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Mohamed S. was given his sentence of life in a psychiatric hospital in the Ravensburg Regional Court. The public prosecutor had sought attempted murder, and the jury also convicted him of this charge.

The attack, which saw the migrant stab the little girl in a supermarket in Angen im Allgäu in April of this year, nearly killed her. At random, he plunged a 20-centimeter-long knife into the girl with “four powerful stabs.” The migrant deeply punctured the little girl’s intestines and stomach, tearing them to bits. He then ran away from the scene.

Mohamed S. was arrested shortly thereafter, while the mother raced to the hospital with her daughter inside a vehicle. She required emergency surgery to save her life.

However, the public prosecutor recommended psychiatric care for the Syrian man. The sentence is final and there will be no appeal.

The public prosecutor said it was clear that the man suffered from “paranoid schizophrenia in an acute phase” and said he is extremely dangerous. She said she had her doubts that he was capable of empathy.

“There is no sign of any improvement in the man, and there is still a risk that he will commit serious crimes,” she added.

Not only did the Syrian also have a Dutch passport, but the case was shown as an example of just how dangerous Europe’s policy of open borders has become. As Remix News previously reported, the court heard how Mohamed S. fled Syria via Turkey in 2015 and traveled the Balkan migratory route before entering Europe illegally and eventually being granted asylum in the Netherlands. By 2021, he had been granted Dutch citizenship, allowing him to move freely across the European Union.

In 2022, the Syrian national traveled to Saudi Arabia, seeking to stay there after obtaining a tourist visa. However, he was soon homeless, living in mosques, which resulted in altercations and his subsequent imprisonment.

Saudi Arabia, known for its strict immigration enforcement, deported Mohamed S. within two months back to the Netherlands. However, he traveled across the border to the German town of Wangen where he lived in homeless shelters and an asylum center before committing the heinous crime.

The judge in the case, Veiko Böhm, said it was “difficult to bear” that the AfD parliamentary group was making inquiries about the case. He said the party was exploiting the attempted murder.

“The knife attack has nothing to do with Islamist radicalism, it is solely the result of a mental illness,” he stated. He also added that a Swabian man, which is a reference to an ethnic German from the region, could also partake in such an attack, but in this case “there is no AfD parliamentary group that is making an application.” It is unclear what case he is referring to involving an ethnic German man who stabbed a child at random.

In July of this year, Remix News produced a review of some of the worst crimes migrants have committed against children. These cases are becoming more and more common due to mass immigration. The perpetrators are often given diagnoses of mental illness, which results in more lenient sentences in psychiatric institutions.

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