7,000-year-old well found in Hungary

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Archeologist Judit Tárnoki told Origo that during the exploratory excavations along the line of a planned motorway – required by law in Hungary before any major constructions – the team from the museum found the remains of a neolitic settlement, with clay pits, house remains and a well.

She said the well was more or less of the same construction as the ones used a mere century ago by local peasants, a square pit going below the water line, lined with wood.

“This several thousand years old well was lined with wood and it is incredibly lucky that the wood has been preserved. In our clime, wood objects hardly last one hundred years, let alone seven thousand. This wood was preserved because it was four meters deep, surrounded by wet, sandy soil.”


Archeologist Judit Tárnoki showing a piece of the well lining (photo: Csaba Talán, Origo)

This is by far the oldest well ever found in Hungary, Tárnoki said.


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