Breakthrough in negotiations with US as Apache helicopters to finally arrive in Poland

An impending deal in the offset negotiations paves the way for Poland to become the largest operator of AH-64E Apache helicopters outside the United States

AH-64E Apache helicopter. (Source: Wikipedia)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Poland is set to sign an offset agreement within the next few weeks concerning the delivery of AH-64E Apache helicopters from the USA, concluding lengthy and challenging negotiations that had previously stalled the landmark deal.

Poland plans to purchase up to 96 helicopters, positioning itself as the largest operator of these aircraft outside their country of manufacture.

“I can say now that we have succeeded. We are finalizing the offset agreement,” confirmed Colonel Robert Fromholz, Deputy Chief of the Armament Agency, on Polsat News TV.

Colonel Fromholz further announced that the agreement would be finalized early next month with two international partners, Boeing and General Electric. The government approval of this agreement will be followed by the final contract with the USA for the helicopter deliveries. Additionally, a leasing agreement for eight helicopters is expected to be signed by the year’s end which will see these units arrive in Poland around the turn of the year.

According to Colonel Fromholz, the past three weeks have seen “groundbreaking, very difficult, laborious, and time-consuming talks,” which have concluded successfully, changing the approach of the contractual partners. As a result, Poland could sign the offset agreement as early as the first half of August.

“We reached consensus on key contentious issues. The next step, after signing the offset agreements, will be their approval by the Council of Ministers. Once that happens, we have the green light to sign the contract with the U.S. government for the delivery of Apache helicopters,” he stated.

The AH-64E Apache, manufactured by Boeing, has been a principal attack helicopter in the United States since the 1980s. Plans to purchase these helicopters were announced by the former Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, in September 2022.

The procurement of up to 96 helicopters would make Poland the second-largest fleet operator of these aircraft after the USA. The inclusion of as many manufacturing and servicing operations as possible within Poland aims to benefit local defense companies and enhance the operational capabilities of the military. Poland plans to use these helicopters for approximately 35-40 years.

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