Confederation MEP rules out alliance with Germany’s AfD, eyes other European groups

Confederation MEP Anna Bryłka rejects Germany's AfD, signaling a potential shift towards other European conservative groups amidst ongoing coalition talks in the EU parliament

Anna Bryłka, Confederation MEP (Source: Facebook).
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

In a recent interview with commercial Radio Zet, Confederation MEP Anna Bryłka voiced her concerns about future alliances in the European Parliament, specifically rejecting any collaboration with Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Following a strong performance in the latest European Parliament elections, where Confederation garnered over 12 percent of the vote and secured six seats, including one for Bryłka herself, the question of which political group the party will join has become increasingly pressing.

Bryłka candidly admitted her preference to steer clear of an alliance with Germany’s AfD.

“I cannot imagine myself in such a faction with AfD,” she stated. Currently, Confederation seems to gravitate towards either the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which includes Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS) and Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, or Identity and Democracy (ID), home to Marine Le Pen’s party and Italy’s League.

Bryłka mentioned also the recent formation of a new group, Patriots for Europe. This faction includes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s party, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the ANO party of Czech former Prime Minister Andrej Babiš.

“Negotiations are ongoing,” Bryłka confirmed in her statement to Radio Zet.

In related news, Confederation leader Sławomir Mentzen discussed the upcoming presidential elections and the party’s strategy on Polsat News. Before the last elections, the party’s primaries proved highly popular, concluding with Krzysztof Bosak’s victory.

Mentzen, then too young to run, highlighted the possibility of using the same method to select next year’s presidential candidate.

Bosak has declared his intent to participate, with Mentzen also expressing his readiness to compete in the primaries.

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