Czech MPs officially condemn vote against Hungary

By admin
1 Min Read

The Chamber of the Deputies voted based on a proposal from Civic Democrat’s Jan Skopeček. There were 97 out of 153 MPs present across the political spectrum – Babiš’s ANO, Skopeček’s ODS, far-right SPD, Communists, Christian Democrats/People’s party and two Social Democrats.

As stated in the resolution, the Chamber of the Deputies considers the vote of the European Parliament to trigger Article 7 of the Lisbon treaty against the sovereign Hungarian state wrong and unfortunate.

PM Babiš earlier criticized voting of MEPs from his ANO party who supported sanctions and said his stance at the European Council meeting will be different. It will not change our position within the Visegrad Four, he said. Also, President Zeman openly spoke against the vote by saying it is an act that lacks solidarity.

On the other hand, proposal by the Pirate party wasn’t accepted. Pirates called for limiting subsidies for large enterprises, such as Babiš’s Agrofert which is receiving more in subsidies than is paying on taxes. Only 47 of 172 supported their proposal.

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