Following the mass riots involving migrant youth on New Year’s Eve, German-Iranian author and commentator Behzad Karim Khani is criticizing the debates about the young men of foreign origin, which he says are fueled by historical racism. He asserts that regardless of what Germans think about the riots, migrants are not only going to stay in the country but will eventually “inherit Germany” from ethnic Germans, who are “dying off.”
“We are here — not just for your pension funds, but because we make sure that the Aryan nightmare never becomes a reality in this country,” he wrote in one of Germany’s top media outlets, Berliner Zeitung in a piece entitled “Behzad Karim Khani on New Year’s Eve: Integrate yourself!“
Khani, who was accepted to Germany as a political refugee from Iran, along with his family, when he was 10 years old, writes that migrants will inherent Germany. He adds that time is on the side of migrants, as ethnic Germans are “dying out.”
I think we’re at a point now where we should an honest look at the situation. Let’s start with the simple statement that we — migrants, foreigners, people with … call us what you like — are not going to leave that easily. And neither will you, dear organic Germans, though, demographically, you’re definitely going away. You’re dying out, and your country needs about 400,000 new workers (every year) over the next 15 years, that’s about a million immigrants a year. We migrants will probably inherit this land. So we could play for time here, which is time you don’t have.”
Khani refers to the “bio deutsch,” a slang term for ethnic Germans. He asserts that these Germans deserve to be demographically replaced for the country’s actions during the Second World War.
“Strange things also happen when you gas, shoot, or exile almost all of your intelligentsia. And after the war is lost, there is a need for simple workers, people who can be brought in to rebuild the piles of rubble that until yesterday were still Berlin, Dresden or Cologne.”
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The author appears to assert that Germans to be uniquely evil in history, pointing not only to the Second World War, but also what he says is the country’s Islamophobia. He makes no mention, for instance, of Muslims, Arabs and Persians waging imperialist wars of aggression throughout their history, including the colonial occupation of Spain and the Balkans, nor does he mention that Islamic nations were committing genocide against Greek and Armenian Christians as late as the 20th century. In addition, Khani’s article omits the Arab slave trade, which involved the enslavement of approximately 1 million White Europeans across Europe’s vast coastline, or Arab and Persian involvement in the African slave trade.
According to scholars, any non-Muslim could be enslaved according to Islamic doctrine, and prior to the 20th century, the number of slaves numbered between 12 and 15 million, which substantially dwarfs the number of slaves in the United States, which reached 4 million at its height.

Khani’s text, instead, is uniquely focused on ethnic Germans, even referring to an Israeli friend who once told him that “the Arabs are the Jews’ revenge on the Germans.” The author argues that those who start a world war based on the idea of ”racial purity” are sometimes forced to become an immigration country after defeat, adding that the “victorious powers (after World War II) also shared our mistrust of this society.”
Khani writes that the mistrust immigrants feel in Germany is behind why they rioted during New Year’s Eve, adding that it does not necessarily excuse their behavior, but it explains it.
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During the riots, which were widely covered for days in the national news media, ambulances were pelted with projectiles, firefighters and police officers were hospitalized with severe injuries, and buses and vehicles set on fire across the country. However, all of these actions are explained, according to Khani, by the mistrust the Germans have sowed in the past. In his article, he makes no mention of the 2,500 women who were sexually assaulted across Germany during 2015 and 2016, or whether this would also be excused or explained by Germany’s historical role in World War II.
He adds that Germany refuses to take responsibility for its “colonial legacy” and even for those Germans praising themselves for a unique culture of remembrance for the Second World War, he indicates this does not matter since “not a single synagogue, Jewish school or Jewish retirement home can do without police protection.”
Data shows that the vast majority of attacks against Jews in Germany are perpetrated by Arabs and Muslims. Surveys also have shown that anti-Semitic sentiments are far higher among Muslims in Germany than non-Muslims.
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According to another survey, Jewish victims of attacks in Germany have said that in 57 percent of cases, the attacker was either of a Middle-Eastern appearance or have belonged to a far-left group, while only in 20 percent of cases did they claim that the perpetrators belonged to a far-right group.
In the Netherlands, reportedly 70 percent of anti-Semitic incidents are perpetrated by Muslim attackers. In Sweden, Muslim attacks against Jews are rampant, leading Jews to flee cities like Malmö.
Khani has also described himself as having a substantial criminal background in his youth, which he writes about in his book “Dog, Wolf, Jackal.” German public broadcaster, RBB, interviewed him shortly after the New Year’s Eve riots:
RBB: You had a serious criminal youth yourself — that’s what you called it yourself. You grew up in Bochum in the 90s after your parents came to Germany from Iran. Why did you then drift into violence?
Khani: For me, it was about something completely different. I grew up in an area where violence was one of the only ways to maintain dignity. One does not abstain from violence by becoming a victim. At the point where the violence is, you have to react. Violence has its own logic.
Khani indicates that even if Germans do not like migrants in Germany, the migrants will stay in the country barring extreme violence.
“Without extreme violence, eclipsing that of Hitler’s Germany, (the Aryan) nightmare will not come true,” he writes.
Khani’s statements come at a time during increasingly hostile comments and policies against ethnic Germans. For example, a Green party plan would see “organic Germans” banned from up to a third of jobs.” Germany’s new anti-discrimination minister, Ferda Ataman, who has a Turkish background, labeled ethnic Germans as “potatoes” in 2022.
Just last week, the Green party replaced their own justice minister in the state of Thuringia simply because he was a white male. An Afro-German female with no legal degree as well as no criminal justice or political experience took his position.