Germany continues to dump migrants in Poland as media remains silent

"The mainstream media does not want to get involved in this matter and will protect Donald Tusk," one MP told Polish media

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, left, and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk review the guard of honor before German-Polish inter-governmental consultations in front of the Prime Minister Chancellery in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 2, 2024. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
By Remix News Staff
4 Min Read

Another scandalous situation occurred on the Polish-German border. German policemen, dressed in protective medical clothing, handed over a migrant to the Polish Border Guard. The foreigner, like the German policemen, was also dressed in a protective suit. The migrant was checked by Polish border guards and then left. The incident was recorded by Telewizja Republika, and local residents say such situations occur regularly.

“After two minutes of talking to Polish officers, the migrant walked away about 300 meters. Before my eyes, he took off his protective suit and walked away towards Lubieszyn, Szczecin. So as you can see – these sanitary restrictions are no longer in our country,” reported a journalist from TV Republika.

Unfortunately, Poland is once again dealing with a situation where the vast majority of media are silent. In the evening program of Telewizja Republika, Wojciech Skurkiewicz from PiS and Michał Urbaniak from Konfederacja were asked about the matter. Both groups oppose allowing African and Middle Eastern immigrants into Poland.

When asked why Donald Tusk agrees to the planting of immigrants in Poland, the Confederation politician said that the prime minister is not acting in the interests of the Polish state, but in the interests of the people with whom he is politically linked in the European arena.

“The problem we have on the Polish-German border is like a migration pact without a migration pact. Olaf Scholz decided that it would be possible to transport people to other countries, he called the capitals of neighboring countries and now the Germans are implementing it. Because we have regulations that provide for the possibility of returning immigrants to the countries from which they came, in the case of Germany it is easy to return them to Poland,” he said, reminding that it is not known whether the people who were dropped off were actually ever in Poland before they entered Germany.

Urbaniak recalled that the Parliamentary Team for Illegal Immigration, composed of Confederation MPs, met with representatives of Polish services in October at the Police and Customs Cooperation Centre in Świecko on the Polish-German Border. The services reported that the procedures were too lengthy and ineffective and that there were numerous problems with deporting illegal immigrants from Poland.

According to the former Confederation activist, Donald Tusk’s team does not want to inform the public about what is happening on the border with Germany. The host asked why the media is silent despite another example of a migrant being dropped off on camera.

“The mainstream media does not want to get involved in this matter and will protect Donald Tusk,” said the former MP.

In mid-November last year, Aleksandra Fedorska, a journalist, publicist and expert on Germany, reported, based on information obtained from the German Ministry of Internal Affairs, that over the past year, Germany had expelled nearly 10,000 immigrants to Poland.

In turn, the latest report by the German Federal Police shows that from mid-September 2024 to early February 2025, German services sent back or returned nearly 14,000 people to the border.

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