Hungary must be self-sufficient in medical equipment production

Veszprém, 2021. július 20. Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter (j) és Soós Csaba, a Beurer Hungaria Kft. ügyvezető igazgatója (j2) az orvostechnikai eszközöket gyártó Beurer Hungária Kft. veszprémi üzemében a cég csarnokavató ünnepsége napján, 2021. július 20-án. A kft. mintegy 1,7 milliárd forintos beruházásához a magyar kormány 485 millió forintos támogatást biztosít. MTI/Vasvári Tamás
By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

Péter Szijjártó emphasized that the production capacity of medical devices must be increased, as doing so will contribute to the success of health protection even in the event of further epidemic waves.

The Hungarian government will provide HUF 485 million for the investment of approximately 1.7 billion forints in Beurer Hungária Kft, a manufacturer of medical devices, Szijjártó said, adding that “the epidemic has shown that we need to have strategic capabilities that seem illogical in peacetime and difficult to explain financially in calm conditions – but, when there is an emergency, can save lives.”

Hungarian-German economic relations fundamentally determine the development of the Hungarian economy, Szijjártó said, pointing out that Germany is the largest investor in Hungary, as trade between the two countries grew by 16 percent in the first four months of the year.

Ruling conservative Fidesz’ MP for the constituency, Péter Ovádi said Beurer Hungária has been providing livelihoods for almost 300 families for almost 30 years.

Csaba Soós, managing director of Beurer Hungaria, said the company started mask production last year and is expanding its range with three more products – a high-performance infrared lamp, an electric blood pressure monitor, and a non-contact thermometer.

In its financial year to March 2020, the German company According posted sales of more than 27 million euros – a million euros more than a year earlier. It had a pre-tax profit of €2.4 million and employed 272 people during the period.

Title image: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó (R) and Beurer Hungary CEO Csaba Soós at the opening of the German firm’s new production facility in Veszprém, central Hungary. (MTI/Tamás Vasvári)

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