Organizer of gay sex party in Brussels is a Polish man wanted by the Polish police for fraud

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Dawid Manzheley, known as a frequent organizer of parties in Brussels and the host last Friday, November 29, that led to the resignation of József Szájer, is wanted by the Polish police regarding several cases of fraud, according to Polish news portal Onet . Polish Journalist Klaudisz Slezak posted a copy of the police file concerning Manzheley on Twitter: On Thursday morning, liberal portal published an interview with David Manzheley, who introduced himself as a 29-year-old with a PhD in economics. Manzheley claimed that Law and Justice (PiS) politicians also participated in the gay events he organized in Brussels. The interview was published prior to the revelation of allegations of criminal history.
Onet however emphasized in the article that it is unable to verify the authenticity of Manzheley’s claims, while other sources have outright disputed them, and later on Thursday, reported that several judicial proceedings in Poland are being carried out against Manzheley. He resportedly also has not even graduated from high school, contrary to his claims of finishing a PhD in Belgium.
According to police criminal records, Dawid Manzheley is 36 years old and comes from the southern Polish town of Wadowice. The police have been searching for him since June 2019, although, apparently, officers were attempting to locate him even before that.
Police confirmed to TVP Info that Onet’s interlocutor is most likely the same person. They also stated that his identity will be verified when he is visited by Belgian police. The initial version of the story published on Onet also reported that he is probably the same person wanted by police in Poland, but the story was updated in the afternoon reporting that sources have confirmed that they are indeed one and the same.
The case of fraud for which Manzheley is wanted concerns accepting work as a “lawyer” to prepare official documents on behalf of third parties, which he then could not deliver. In the past, he had also sued judges and attorneys for defamation using forged documents. He even impersonated a lawyer who had graduated in Israel as well.
Last Friday, Brussels police shut down an illegal party which was being held despite the current coronavirus restrictions. One of the participants was Hungarian MEP and Fidesz member Jozsef Szajer, who later resigned.
Update: The real name of David Manzheley, organizer of sex parties in Brussels, is Przemysław P., says his Polish family
Title image: Print screen of the Polish police’s website listing wanted persons –

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