Poland 2024 EU election polls: Left-liberal KO slightly ahead of conservative PiS, right-wing Confederation party gains ground

This is yet another survey where the Confederation has maintained its third-place standing

European Union lawmakers vote in the European Parliament, Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in Strasbourg, eastern France. (AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

According to the Ipsos poll for liberal media outlets TOK FM and OKO.press, the Civic Coalition (KO) is poised to win the upcoming EU parliament elections, garnering the support of 33 percent of respondents. Law and Justice (PiS) follows closely with 29 percent of the votes, while the right-wing Confederation party takes third place with 11 percent.

The Confederation’s performance surpasses that of the Third Way alliance, which attracted 10 percent of respondents. This is yet another survey where the Confederation has maintained its third-place standing. Similarly, Thursday’s poll by the Opinia24 research firm for “Fakty” TVN and TVN24 mirrored these results.

Seven percent of those surveyed expressed their intention to vote for the left, while smaller parties’ results are within the statistical margin of error, scoring 1 and 2 percent, respectively. The survey also indicates that 7 percent of respondents are still undecided on their voting choice.

A pronounced 43 percent of Polish citizens declared a firm intention to participate in the elections, whereas 33 percent indicated a lack of interest in voting.

Pollsters also inquired about respondents’ views on the frequent elections in recent months. Forty percent regard voting as a duty, 30 percent see it as a source of hope, 22 percent feel it is nothing special, and 10 percent expressed disappointment.

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