Polish firm says it has world’s first effective COVID-19 treatment

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A Polish firm out of Lublin announced that it has created the world’s first effective coronavirus treatment after the drug was released for non-commercial clinical trials.

Senator Grzegorz Czelej, Law and Justice (PiS), and one of the co-creators of the medicine’s concept, said that Poland is the first country in the world to create a working formula.

“This medicine contains neutralizing antibodies which kill the virus,” he declared, showing a vial of the medicine in front of cameras.

Piotr Fic, a member of the board for operational affairs of Biomed Lublin, stated that the bottling process of the Immunoglobulin anti-SARS-CoV-2 has been completed.

He added that the new substance is active and was tested for activity and efficiency in combating the COVID-19 virus.

Biomed Lublin, established in 1944, has the only plasma fractioning laboratory in Poland. 

The medicine was created as a result of the process of fractioning the plasma of healthy people or those who were infected with COVID-19 without symptoms. Their plasma contained anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins.

As of yet, the drug has no name. 

Clinical trials were based on testing first carried out by Professor Krzysztof Pyrć, from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University. His team tested a substance derived from research conducted by Biomed on plasma. Tests showed that the new drug was far more effective against COVID-19 than plasma alone. 

“Biomed Lublin S.A. was the first in the world to unequivocally prove that it has the technology to produce a plasma drug containing antibodies neutralising the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” said Piróg.

“Thanks to this technology, it is possible to produce a drug containing a concentrated dose of such antibodies and it can effectively use human plasma, which, after the fractionation process, can be converted into a drug with a treatment efficiency greater than plasma alone.” 

More than 3,000 ampoules of the immunoglobulin have been created. After completing necessary quality control research, they will be passed over to clinical research centers in four Polish cities of Lublin, Bytom, Białystok, and Warsaw.

The medicine will be accessible to for non-commercial research in the fourth quarter of 2020.

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