Polish government representative signs declaration supporting same-sex unions across EU

Polish Minister of Equality Katarzyna Kotula signed the declaration, while several EU countries notably did not

Katarzyna Kotula, the Polish minister for equality, holds up abortion pills as the Polish parliament debates liberalizing the abortion law, in Warsaw, Poland, on Thursday April 11, 2024. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
2 Min Read

In Brussels, a conference titled “Pride Alliances and Policy: Towards a Union of Equality” was organized recently under the current Belgian presidency of the European Union. It saw the signing of a declaration advocating for the recognition of same-sex unions throughout the EU.

Among the signatories was Poland, represented by Minister of Equality Katarzyna Kotula. This move comes amidst growing discussions within Poland regarding the penalization of what is termed “hate speech” based on sexual orientation and the ongoing debates over the legalization of same-sex unions and potential future same-sex marriages.

However, the declaration was notably not signed by representatives from Hungary, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czechia, and Slovakia. When asked about Italy’s decision not to support the pro-LGBTQ declaration, Italian Minister of Family Affairs Eugenia Roccella criticized the declaration, stating it attempts to “deny not just biology but the body itself.”

While the declaration is not legally binding, it highlights the intention of the governments endorsing it and calls for action from the European Commission and other EU institutions.

The document praises the European Parliament and the European Commission for their efforts to support LGBTIQ communities and demands a ban on conversion therapies that push homosexuals to abandon their lifestyle. It also calls for the establishment of civil same-sex partnerships across the EU and seeks various other rights for homosexual, bisexual, and transgender individuals.

In addition to legislative changes, Poland’s Deputy Minister of Justice Krzysztof Śmiszek has announced that hate speech against homosexuals will soon be prosecuted as a public offense, stating, “The time has come to ban disgusting, homophobic, and discriminatory statements in public spaces.” According to Śmiszek, it will be up to the courts to determine what constitutes hate speech.

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