Seven times ‘Yes’ for Poland – PiS leader announces positive plan for Poland in the EU

Conservative PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński has announced a seven-point plan based on large investments, support for rural areas, security, border defense, personal freedoms, maintenance of the Polish currency, and combating price hikes

Conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party leader Jarosław Kaczyński, center, waves to supporters during regional and local elections in Warsaw, Poland, Sunday, April 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

The head of the Law and Justice (PiS) party Jarosław Kaczyński spoke at a rally in Tomasz Mazowiecki, central Poland, in the run-up to the European elections. He chose to repeat the approach his party had successfully taken during the recent local government election campaign, which saw it come first in the regional council elections.

Kaczyński concentrated on a positive seven-point plan to build consensus about the future of Poland. He described it as “seven times yes for Poland,” chiming well with the fact that the PiS list has drawn number seven on the list of parties in the European parliamentary elections.

The first point on the list was a yes to major capital investment projects such as the central airport (CPK), the container port in Świnoujście, making the Oder River navigable, and nuclear power, including large and small nuclear reactor construction programs. 

The second point of the plan was policies for Poland’s rural areas, focused on rejecting the Green Deal and defense of Polish agriculture from excessive Ukrainian imports.

Third was security, emphasizing that only the alliance with the U.S. and NATO protects Poland and spending 4 percent of GDP on Polish defense. 

Next in line came defending Polish borders with fortifications, which now even the Donald Tusk government accepted, and rejecting the migration pact.

The fifth of the listed priorities was the defense of personal freedom, such as freedom of speech and attempts of minorities to enforce their will on the majority. 

Kaczyński also pledged that Poland should defend the Polish currency, the złoty, in order to protect its economic interests, its sovereignty, and Polish consumers from higher prices. 

Stopping price increases was a priority in its own right, and Kaczyński was proud of his party’s record in protecting people from large increases in energy and food prices, a policy his party wanted to continue. 

The PiS leader also assessed that the eight years of PiS rule had successfully built “the basis for social solidarity.” He additionally criticized the current left-liberal government for failing to honor its election promises and for increasing the VAT on food. 

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