The gender “equality” ideology is barging into Polish universities

By Grzegorz Adamczyk
3 Min Read

Polish universities are preparing to introduce so-called “gender equality plans”, which are being enforced by Brussels bureaucrats. The University of Warsaw was the first to introduce such a plan, and the Kraków University of Technology is finalizing the plan’s acceptance.

The declared aim of the plans in universities is the assurance of “gender balance in decision-making processes and institutions, supporting equality in academic careers and the introduction of the biological and social dimensions of gender to research.”

Catholic daily “Nasz Dziennik” reports that within three years of accepting these plans, lectures and workshops on equality will be organized for the majority of the members of academic societies. Moreover, an anti-discrimination procedure will be introduced.

Some experts point out, however, that these plans may lead to the dependency of employment and university applications on gender criteria rather than on actual merit. They also point to the danger of “unjustified favoring of men in areas considered feminized while also simultaneously discriminating against women.”

Prof. Grzegorz Kucharczyk:

Today we have neo-Marxism and the gender ideology which are being pushed even more than in the past.

Priest and professor Paweł Bortkiewicz criticized the creation of gender equality plans at Polish universities.

“It turns out that we live in the age of globalizing the absurd. The ideas which are being introduced to Polish universities are above all else an act which disparages the mind,” he said.

Professor Mieczysław Ryba stressed that if these trends enter academia, then the scale of the current crisis and fall of civilization was clear.

Professor Grzegorz Kucharczyk emphasized that universities should be free of any kind of ideology. He also compared the current imposition of gender ideology to imposing Marxism and Leninism in the 1950s.

“Only those in love with the ideology of communism were promoted. Today we have neo-Marxism and the gender ideology which are pushed even more than in the past,” he warned.

According to instructions from the European Union, the gender equality plans are meant to be in accordance with the so-called gender mainstreaming perspective. The goal of this perspective is to “ensure equality between men and women, fight discrimination, and introduce the subject of gender equality to different areas of the EU’s functioning”.

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