Ukraine is making life for its Hungarian minority hell

Ukraine has been fighting a life-and-death battle with the Russians for two and a half years, but their main concern is still how to make the lives of their helpless nationalities even more hellish, writes Hungarian columnist Tamás Pilhál

Vice President Kamala Harris meets with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024, in the vice president's ceremonial office inside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
By Remix News Staff
6 Min Read

A Ukrainian politician came up with another great, very European-compatible idea. Natalija Pipa, a representative of the Ukrainian legislature, believes that from now on in schools, teachers and students should only speak Ukrainian during breaks, while standing in line at the cafeteria, or even in the restroom. That’s right, they should not be allowed to speak any other language, even in their free time between classes.

Hungarians from Transcarpathia, Poles from Lviv, Romanians from the Chernivtsi area, or even Russians should not even be able to talk to each other in their mother tongue outside of school hours, because it threatens the existence of Ukraine. Mrs. Pipa also drafted a bill for teaching national minorities to speak Ukrainian.

As we know, Ukrainian lawmakers will certainly accept it without any bone of contention. They did not have any problems with previous deprivations of Ukraine’s ministry populations either, with Brussels and Washington patting their heads and encouraging them throughout the entire process.

It is truly a sight to see. Our eastern neighbor is closing in on European Union membership with full force. Their national hero, Stepan Bandera, who massacred tens of thousands of Polish civilians, would obviously be proud of them.

Let’s just go over the facts. Ukraine has been fighting a life-and-death battle with the Russians for two and a half years, but their main concern is still how to make the lives of their helpless national minorities even more hellish. Their house is on fire, but instead of putting out the fire, out of necessity, they kick those who are forced under the same roof with them. And the neighbors, they spit in our faces and then expect us to applaud them, feel sorry for them, and send even more money, and weapons that they can manage to shoot deeper into Russia, all to see if they can start WW III.

If we look at the recently retired U.S. State Department honcho Victoria Nuland, they have been doing this since the $5 billion CIA coup in 2014. These nationalists have been fomenting unrest, terrorizing their minorities, and beating the crap out of them.

They started with the Education Law of 2017, the detailed rules of which in 2020 divided people living in Ukraine into four castes. According to this, the Ukrainians are first class. (There was already such a thing in history. Only then the word “Aryan” was used.) The second class are the native peoples, for example, the Crimean Tatars, who can study in their mother tongue until they graduate. On the other hand, Hungarians, Romanians and Poles are classified as third class and treated as non-natives and can study in their mother tongue only until the fourth grade of primary school, after which they are forced to learn Ukrainian.

The goal? Complete assimilation and destruction of identity.

Then, the 2019 language law made Ukrainian mandatory everywhere except for private conversations and religious ceremonies. Since the summer of 2021, events can only be held in the state language, and the texts of speakers who do not speak Ukrainian must be translated. The Ukrainian state is operating under total paranoia.

It’s as if the Ukrainian puppet governments have been pulling the strings according to a ready-made script since 2014. Of course, we’ve seen this before. In how many South American, African, and Asian countries has a rainbow revolution “unexpectedly” broken out, have peoples living in peace been incited against each other? The story is the same. Once the “revolution” broke out, the complete looting of the colony could then begin under the command of an agent who did not necessarily speak the native language of the country, but at least was parachuted in to step on their necks from overseas. 

However, in the case of Ukraine, the booty was not enough for the United States. They wanted war. Some of their more talkative politicians even blurted it out: they want to weaken Russia, they cannot let the vast mineral wealth fall into their hands. Perhaps even those with a slower understanding could understand what it was about. If they have to make Ukraine war until the last Ukrainian is dead, it’s not a big price either — for them.

When the war is over, maybe only first-class Ukrainians will be left to pick up the pieces.

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