V4 and Three Seas airports initiate cooperation as part of V4+ Group

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The press office of “Polish Airports” State Enterprise (PPL) shared that the activity of the V4+ airport group was initiated on Thursday. Twenty-four airports from seven European countries have declared that they will participate in the initiative to exchange observations, experiences and information concerning the aviation brand.

PPL emphasized that the coronavirus pandemic severely hindered the functioning of airports throughout the world. The currently rebounding air traffic allows for a positive look towards the future, but airports are facing challenges difficult to overcome alone.

The V4+ airport group was initiated by the PPL, which will also be responsible for coordinating the group’s activities. So far, airports from Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia and Poland have joined the group.

“Airports throughout Europe need cooperation above all else. I am pleased that, thanks to the PPL’s initiative, we will be able to join forces and create an organization which will allow us to exchange ideas and experiences between airports in all of Central Europe,” the CEO of PPL Stanisław Wojtera stated.

For now, the V4+ airport group is an informal organization, as its final form will be worked out during the upcoming weeks.

The main intention of the organizers is the mutual support between airports in all areas in which it can be economically justified. The initiative also plans to obtain external funds for joint projects, including using funds from the Visegrad Group Fund.

The V4+ airport group’s next session is set to take place in Warsaw in September. During the upcoming session, the members will discuss the first months of operation, outline the most important elements of cooperation, and decide on a joint position concerning changes to international aviation law.

The PPL also expects the imminent inclusion of more airports, whose representatives will participate in the group’s work to solve the issues of airports in all of Central Europe.

Polish Airports’ State Enterprise is responsible for managing Poland’s largest airport – the Warsaw Chopin Airport. It also owns stock and shares of fourteen companies responsible for the management of regional airports in Poland.

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