What do we know about Afghan killer Farhad N.? It turns out he was legally in Germany and had 100,000 followers on social media

It appears he may have been motivated by Islamism but the police have not yet confirmed this

By Remix News Staff
4 Min Read

Despite initial reports that 24-year-old Afghan Farhad N. was illegally in Germany and had numerous criminal convictions, it turns out the Bavarian interior ministry falsely reported this information. In fact, he was legally working in Germany, had been in the country for approximately nine years, and had a popular accounts on TikTok and Instagram where he showed off his life as a bodybuilder.

As to whether Farhad N.’s attack was motivated by Islamic extremism, he reportedly posted a number of religious messages before his attack; however, police have not yet confirmed that as his motive.

Yesterday, after the Afghan plowed his vehicle into a demonstration from the left-wing Ver.di union, injuring 36, including a number of children, media reports indicated that the suspect had a criminal record for theft and drug dealing. However, it turns out that he was a security guard and appeared at several trials as a witness on behalf of police, leading to confusion about his role in the cases and prompting the Bavarian interior ministry to release false information about the Afghan.

In addition, claims that Farhad N. was in the country illegally were also false. He arrived in Germany from Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2016 and applied for asylum. He was rejected but later, Munich issued him a toleration notice in April 2021 and a residence permit in October 2021, according to Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann.

“This means that the perpetrator’s stay up to this day is absolutely legal according to current knowledge,” said the minister.

On paper, he appears to have been “integrated.” He attended school, finished his vocational training, and worked as a store security guard for two different companies. The only record he ever had was for fare evasion.

He had a large social media presence, with approximately 100,000 followers in total across TikTok and Instagram. There, he showed off his life as a “cool” bodybuilder with expensive watches, cars, and what he believed to be stylish clothing.

Less than 24 hours before the attack, he posted himself in a green meadow with a religious Muslim speech in Persian, which was about death.

“When torment approaches the deceased from any direction, their prayers stand guard from above and declare that it is not permissible to come from that direction,” the prayer says. It also continues: “Allah said, ‘When a believing, pious or diligent servant is laid in the grave, a prayer is said over his head.'”

Farhad N. wrote himself: “Oh Allah, always protect us.”

In addition, numerous videos have been posted of the suspect screaming, “Allah,” after the attack.

However, on other posts on his page, he appeared to be against Islamic extremism. In one post, he spoke out against the Taliban’s decision to restrict women from attending school.

Although police have not confirmed whether he was motivated by Islamic extremism, the Bavarian Central Office for Extremism and Terrorism of the Attorney General’s Office has taken over the investigation.

In his social media videos, he appeared to have a penchant for cars, sitting atop a yellow Mini Cooper which resembles the vehicle used in the attack.

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