The left voted for this: Macron sips champagne with Dutch liberal leader and royalty as France burns

Despite mass protests back home, scenes of extreme police violence, and a…

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US launches sanctions against Hungarian-based bank, seen as attack against Hungary’s pro-peace stance

The U.S.'s decision to launch sanctions against the Budapest-based International Investment Bank…

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The left in Poland wants prayer to become a thought crime

Left party MP Katarzyna Kotula posted on social media that if her…

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Poland is closing the wealth gap with the West 

Despite the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in…

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Poland: Confederation party’s rising star rules out coalition with ruling conservatives or liberal PO

Sławomir Mentzen, one of the leaders of the right-wing Confederation party, has…

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Germany: Berlin court rules anti-White Critical Race Theory can be taught in schools

After a father filed an emergency appeal against Critical Race Theory (CRT)…

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