Afghan security guard arrested for sexually abusing two Ukrainian girls aged 6 and 7 in refugee center

An Afghan security guard allegedly sexually abused two Ukrainian girls aged 6…

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Viktor Orbán’s 12 rules to win back the West

Coming off a fresh landslide victory in Hungary's April elections, Hungarian Prime…

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US pushes EU to bypass nations blocking ban on Russian oil

Those following current European politics will be familiar with a number of…

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Famed German author speaks out against mass immigration, slams left-wing parties for silencing dissent

The German government's actions in relation to migration reveal the need for…

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New Hungarian president’s inauguration speech dispels the left’s ‘Putin puppet’ myth

On Saturday, May 14, Katalin Novák became Hungary’s first female president. Her…

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The UK government shocks observers with a host of new genuinely conservative bills

The government of Boris Johnson has faced an endless list of accusations…

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‘Jean-Luc Mélenchon is betting on the Great Replacement to gain power,’ says French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut

Veteran leftist French prime ministerial candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon is counting on the…

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France: Rape convict arrested after escaping during day trip to the zoo

French authorities have recaptured 43-year-old Ahmed B., an inmate in the prison,…

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