The majority of Hungarians reject a one-sided interpretation of Ukraine conflict

It seems that an unintended side effect of Hungary's constant political and…

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German ministry’s woke definition of ‘being White’ removed after public backlash

A newly minted website of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs,…

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German bank chief fears wave of bankruptcies as Ukraine war drags on

A wave of bankruptcies could hit Europe's biggest economy due to rising…

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Biden finally visits Ukraine, except not the one Kyiv was expecting

The presidential headquarters in the Ukrainian capital are bustling with visits from…

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Germany’s tragicomic energy policy: Vital natural gas project could be blocked to protect porpoises

"Environmental protection is a feel-good topic to hide hard-nosed ideology," wrote Marco…

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Czechia fears a Russian oil embargo

Just when it seemed like that the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán…

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France: Nigerian squatters terrorize 60 residents into leaving their homes in Marseille

About 60 tenants have been driven out of their homes by illegal…

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