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To hell with the will of the people

"The Ursulas are just puppets, doing whatever the Democratic puppet masters in…

Liz Liz

Ukraine says it will continue mobilization efforts to regain 1991 borders

A new law just came into force last week extending the mobilization…

Liz Liz

EU prepares to hit Hungary with more financial sanctions

The EU appears to be waging a battle of financial attrition against…

John Cody John Cody

Breakthrough in negotiations with US as Apache helicopters to finally arrive in Poland

An impending deal in the offset negotiations paves the way for Poland…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland: Cigarette prices set to surge by 50% in 2025

In a move to accelerate excise tax hikes, the cost of cigarettes…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk