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German government splurged €531,000 on plane tickets for Euro Football Championships

The left-liberal German government is splurging on short-haul flights to watch football…

John Cody John Cody

Finnish court quashes convictions of several men found guilty of raping intellectually disabled woman

The Finnish Court of Appeal ruled that the woman's disability did not…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

German court rules Syria is a safe country for the first time, paving the way for deportations

Despite the ruling, the pro-migration German government is unlikely to start sending…

John Cody John Cody

Slovakia profits from war and arms Ukraine

Despite a formal refusal of direct military aid, Slovakia is ramping up…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Poland experiences alarming population decline

Poland is recording far more deaths than births as it experiences the…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk

Could abortion battle break up the Polish left-liberal government?

Amid growing tensions over abortion laws, Polish Deputy PM Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz claims…

Grzegorz Adamczyk Grzegorz Adamczyk