Latest Germany News
Hungary receives first of 44 German Leopard tanks
Hungary has received the first German-made Leopard battle tank, with 44 more…
Hungary: EU’s Covid-19 vaccine purchases reek of corruption
In the European Commission, the procurement of Pfizer vaccines has been surrounded…
Germany: AfD ban proposal struggles to gain traction in parliament, but next year could be different
A Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician who lost to an Alternative for…
Germany: Berlin pays €1.5 million every single day to house migrants in just 12 buildings, nearly half a billion per year
The German capital of Berlin pays €1.5 million per day to house…
Greens commence deforestation of Germany’s enchanted forest to make way for wind turbines
The deforestation of parts of the central German Reinhardwald forest has begun…
Germany: After first billionaire meets with AfD party, left-wing interior minister calls for boycott on his dairy empire
One of the richest men in Germany is now openly meeting with…