Latest Migrant crisis News
Pigs’ feet hung and eggs thrown at Dutch town hall over asylum center plans
"I’m proud of our village. But I’m afraid. I’m going to install…
European Commission proposes new deportation regulation to facilitate removal of illegal migrants to third countries
As a regulation with direct effect, the initiative would apply immediately and…
Italian government slams judiciary after latest court ruling demands compensation for illegal migrants
The Italian government has been ordered to compensate migrants from the 2018…
Turkey to construct wall on Greek border to keep migrants out of Europe
Turkey has announced plans to build an 8.5-kilometer wall along its border…
Migrant smuggler speaks out: ‘I make €6,000 per trip and Spain pays for my flight home’
Migrant smuggler Ely reveals how he earns up to €6,500 per trip…
Dutch town of 700 residents to receive 100 asylum seekers as promised ‘strictest ever asylum policy’ remains unrealized
Residents of Doezum in the Netherlands are resisting plans to house large…