
Latest Migration News

Green party politician claims ‘racist resentment’ is behind Germany not taking in enough labor migrants

Only a fraction of the migrants applying for a residence permit for…

Remix News Staff Remix News Staff

Lithuania to enshrine push-back measures against illegal migrants into law

The Lithuanian government has approved the push-back measures of migrants at its…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

France backs down: Macron won’t force Algeria and other African countries to take back their illegal migrants

By promising its former African colonies a “return to normal” in terms…

Olivier Bault Olivier Bault

Ukrainians most common traffickers of illegal migrants into Czechia last year

Among the people smugglers detained by authorities for trafficking illegal immigrants into…

Thomas Brooke Thomas Brooke

Europe is pillaging Africa’s doctors, revealing another dark side of the West’s immigration push

While countries in the global north push to import tens of thousands…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert

Germany’s left demands countrywide migrant quotas as country buckles under strain of mass immigration

The German left is seeking to reform the quota system for distributing…

Dénes Albert Dénes Albert