Cejrowski says homosexuals should be screened for pedophilia

By admin
2 Min Read

The most recent example of media presenting pedophilia in the Church is the film “Kler” (“Clergy”). Even though Catholic lecturers came to Poland to discuss the matter, leftist activists blocked their attempts and then called out that “Catholics are blocking “Kler” because they don’t want debates around pedophilia.”

According to data released by the police, the highest number of pedophilia incidents is not among the clergy, but among teachers. But employment isn’t the biggest common denominator, homosexuality is. The largest research report carried out concerning “the pedophilia scandal in the American Church” – the John Jay Study (referred to by both Fox News and CNN) proved that the majority of victims of priests were boys.

In the search for pedophiles, homosexual environments should be scanned first. Not just the Catholic Church, but all of them. Yet, the Left will never agree to that – they care more about the feelings and reputations of sex abusers than protecting innocent children from pedophiles

Therefore, this was a homosexual scandal, not a clergy one, as the priests in question did not go after girls. Further police statistics even show, that there are significantly more pedophiles among homosexuals than anywhere else.

But this debate will never come to Poland. Every time someone has tried to bring it up the defenders of sexual deviations reacted violently and kept on mindlessly chanting “the pedophile-priest” and “the gay is good.”


For (proven) pedophilia one should be punished in the strongest way possible. The same punishment should be carried out on a pedophile priest, pedophile teacher, pedophile politician and LGBT pedophile.

In search for pedophiles, homosexual environments should be scanned first. Not just the Catholic Church, but all of them. Yet, the Left will never agree to that – they care more about the feelings and reputations of sex abusers than protecting innocent children from pedophiles.

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