Islamophobia vs. homophobia: The case of MIla is a warning to the LGBT community of Europe

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5 Min Read

LGBT communities in Poland like to complain about intolerance, which they supposedly experience at the hands of Catholics. It would be good if they acquainted themselves with the story of Mila, a 16-year-old French high school student who declares herself an LGBT activist and whose life has been turned upside down.

In January 2020, one of Mila’s peers in school, who came from a migrant family, made an aggressive sexual advance that Mila flatly rejected. The furious boy insulted her, referring to her as a lesbian and condemning her while using the name of Allah. Mila decided to strike back. Using language worthy of the Polish Women’s Strike leader Marta Lempart, whose slogan is “f**k off”, Mila told the boy what she thought of Islam, the Quran and Muhammad . Because the exchange took place on Instagram, the whole affair became public. Since then, Mila has received more than 50,000 messages and letters with threats of raping her, slitting her throat, beheading her, and torturing her. For close to a year, she has been living under constant fear, often having to change her home and being watched over by the police who are observing her 24 hours a day. The girl was forced to cease her studies and no school in France has accepted her. The schools explained that they were unable to guarantee her safety and were afraid for the lives of other students and teachers.

By fighting the influence of Christianity, LGBT environments in Western Europe are strengthening the position of Islam in public life. The French Prosecutor’s Office also initiated an investigation against the teenager to check whether she had not committed the crime of encouraging hatred based on race. The investigation was closed with no charges, which sparked massive outrage among France’s Muslim society who accused French authorities of tolerating Islamophobia. In her dire situation, Mila has not received any support from feminist and gender activists, or at least not the support she expected. The majority of LGBT activists, who so eagerly like to complain about the Church’s homophobia, suddenly went radio silent when it came to defending their “sister” from Muslim attacks. Some leftist activists even distanced themselves from the girl, such as influential socialist and feminist Marie-Ségolène Royal. Mila’s parents have not excluded the possibility that they might have to leave France so that their daughter could live a normal life. Her father has stated that he was shocked by the cowardliness of officials of the French state. The example of Mila is a test which shows which community is stronger in Western societies (or at least in France): LGBT or Islam? Both of these groups are cherished by the liberal-left elites of the world, and it is no accident that two of the deadly sins of today’s liberal democracy are “Islamophobia” and “homophobia”. Yet, what will happen when these two sides face each other in open conflict? Who will win? How will mainstream elites approach this conflict? Countries across the Muslim world are known for their open hatred of people of the LGBT community , and in many of them, simply being gay is grounds for imprisonment or even worse.

After they migrate to the West, there is little evidence that these attitudes have changed, as evidenced by the 50,000 threats Mila received for “insulting” Allah. Mila’s case shows Islam is ascendant in this battle. They have both the physical and spiritual power backing them while the other side has neither. By fighting the influence of Christianity, LGBT communities in Western Europe are strengthening the position of Islam in public life. Much points to them missing the “intolerant” Church in the very near future.

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