The most important fight of the 21st century is against globalism

By admin
4 Min Read

The deep state or, in other words, the global elite — whose outstretched fist, but not the only important player, is George Soros — owes its informal power mainly to its constantly, exponentially growing, astounding level of financial resources. This powerful group, made up primarily of financial-economic elites, is networking and exerting influence over others in the political, cultural, scientific spheres, as well as national elites. Its fundamental aim is to transform the way in which the three most important subsystems of countries — the market, the state and society — operate within national frameworks, embedded in the framework of a supranational world order, subject to the objectives of the global market.

The balance of market, state, and society was originally based on the fact that all three spheres have their own logic and mode of operation that simultaneously balance and limit each other within a given nation-state framework — assuming capitalist economic and democratic political relations. It is the aspiration of the global financial elite that has unfolded over the last thirty to forty years to break up and radically transform this very balance in line with supranational goals. First, in the classical local (national) market, the actors keep the profits in the internal cycle, but the supranational market created by the global elite is already primarily and decisively generating profits for the global players and transferring wealth beyond national borders. Second, the global elite shifts the functioning of the state from the public good to the service of the “private good”. On the one hand, this is reflected in efforts such as the outsourcing of public tasks, inter alia in the form of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Put otherwise, the idea of ​​good governance is redefined, limiting the attributes of the traditional state as narrowly as possible, and increasingly transfers government tasks to market participants, companies and enterprises Thirdly, civil society is held together by norms, customs and community morals, which are also the pillars of a nation.

The goal of the global elite in this field is to transform and turn the existing, centuries-old norms, human and family relations into the opposite of what they are, and through this to replace the cohesive, communal values ​​with individuality and the absolutization of individual freedom. If these conscious and planned transformation processes led by the global elite reach their goals in the 21st century, the system based on the balance of the subsystems of the market, the state and society will disintegrate, and at the same time nation-states and democracies will disintegrate, subordinated to a larger, supranational unity in which they lose their character, operational logic, and cohesive power. We must confront this with all our might; this fight is perhaps the most important challenge of the 21st century.

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