Germany: Afghan migrant masturbating on train tracks halts rail traffic across Kassel region

Photograph of the Afghan migrant who is accused by police of masturbating on a train track outside Kassel, halting service in the region.
By Remix News Staff
5 Min Read

An Afghan migrant who was masturbating on a train track outside the German city of Kassel was arrested after halting rail traffic across the region.

The migrant, who lives in Niest, shut down the Kassel rail system on Jan. 16, but the story was only published by German newspaper Bild on Jan. 22.

“Because of him, the driver of a RegioTram in the direction of Kassel had to brake quickly in the area of ​​the Kassel-Jungfernkopf train stop,” said a police spokesman. The 30-year-old was lying in the middle of the tracks and was masturbating when the conductor was forced to halt quickly to avoid hitting him.

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The train was stopped right in front of the man, but police say the man just kept masturbating. Witnesses began filming the man, with some of the footage leaking online.

The Afghan’s actions caused 13 trains to be late before police arrived and arrested the man. No one was injured during the incident. The Afghan has been charged with interfering with train traffic.

Migrant exposes his buttocks to train conductor, shuts down traffic

Just days after this incident, on Jan. 18, three Moroccan migrants were loitering near a parked freight train near the city of Wolmirstedt. A train engineer noticed the men and stopped the train. He told the suspects, aged 26, 30 and 32, to leave the area, as their lives were in danger at the rail crossing.

Instead, they approached the train, insulted the driver, and threw stones at the train. One member of the group lowered his pants and showed his behind to the driver.

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The interruption halted train traffic in the area for half an hour.

The three men were arrested on a track near Zielitz and charged with property damage, insulting an official, trespassing, and violating a number of regulations on a rail system. They all had elevated levels of alcohol in their bloodstream.

Street cleaner nearly beaten to death in Berlin

On Jan. 19, a trial began in Berlin for Tunisian migrant Beshir S. and “fashion designer” Tarek S., a Palestinian from Syria, who nearly beat a 60-year-old street cleaner to death on the subway tracks. The man had told the defendants, who were speaking loudly on their phone, to lower their voices, as it was 4:30 a.m. The victim was on his way to work.

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The men then rushed toward the victim, beat him, and pushed him onto the train track. He was pulled out by another passenger, who saved the man before a train arrived. The German victim had severe injuries to his genitals, suffered a fractured arm, and remains on sick leave until this day.

The Tunisian has been charged with attempted murder for the May 29, 2023, attack. He said in court: “I had the impression at the time that the obviously German man thought he was superior to my friend. That’s why I hit the German, even one or two punches too many.”

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The federal government has consistently argued that diversity is Germany’s strength, while at the same time promoting the idea that Germans should abandon their cars and take more public transport, including the country’s rail system. Migrants cost German taxpayers a minimum of €36 billion in social welfare, housing, and education in 2023 alone. However, disruptions to train traffic and the cost of policing crime disproportionately associated with foreign nationals are not counted in these costs.

The left-liberal government’s new immigration law has drastically reduced the amount of time immigrants need to stay in the country before they are eligible for citizenship. Once they obtain citizenship, their foreign nationality is no longer listed in the crime statistics, and they are henceforth listed as “Germans” when committing any crime.

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