Finland admits to using Ukraine as testing ground for its new weapons

Finland's defense industry is reaping dividends from the war in Ukraine, using the conflict as a testing ground for its new weaponry, a senior defense official has claimed

Finnish ItPsv 90 Marksman air defense system. (Finnish Defense Forces)
By Dénes Albert
2 Min Read

While Finland has consistently concealed details of arms shipments to Ukraine, Deputy Chief of General Staff Mikko Heiskanen has admitted that state-of-the-art weapons have been sent to Kyiv, Hungarian business news portal Portfolio reported, citing the Finnish news site Helsingin Sanomat.

Heiskanen admitted in an interview that Finland has not only handed over old equipment to Ukraine but also new weaponry, insisting that “Ukraine has been a testing ground for Finnish defense industry innovations.”

Finland has so far consistently kept details of the military aid packages it has sent secret, but Heiskanen, the country’s deputy chief of staff in charge of logistics and production, said that the latest Finnish developments, including some that are still in the development phase, have been tested on the Ukrainian battlefield. However, the deputy defense minister did not give details of the types of weapons he mentioned.

He further revealed during the interview that Finnish products have done well on the battlefield and are in great demand from other countries.

The defense official also said that Helsinki still has significant defense industrial production reserves that could help Ukraine produce more ammunition, especially 155 mm artillery shells. He added that Finnish ammunition prices are incredibly competitive, cheaper than many other European producers, and even more efficient than Russian production.

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